While Andy Murray has taken on the much longed for title of Wimbledon Men’s Champion 2013, there are some who are wondering if this will mean a change of title for his devoted girlfriend of seven years, Kim Sears. If she were to become Kim Murray, not only would there be two Mrs Murrays in the box to watch over his every game, but Andy would have added to his brand, estimated to be likely to rocket to £100 million on the basis of Sunday’s victory over Novak Djokovic, and Kim would have joined the 62 per cent of women in their twenties who take their husband’s family name.
Research conducted by Facebook reveals that, while women in their thirties are 74 per cent likely to have changed their surname, their younger counterparts are a little more likely to keep their maiden name into adult life. Facebook, which has 33 million UK users, analysed the names of women on the social media site who said they were married, and compared them to their husband’s profiles. Thirty-eight per cent were not the same, implying that, for the purposes of Facebook at least, some women prefer to keep their maiden names. And while Zara Phillips and Madonna may well agree, Mrs Beckham and Mrs Carter (the artist formerly known as Beyoncé) show that a name change can be a sign of true love, or at least the sign of a successful business merger.
Changing a brand name or evolving a brand style can be hugely beneficial to a business and Admiral has worked with many businesses on this important aspect of their public image. A new brand can identify and recognise a change or shift in business focus or simply bring a tired corporate image up to date. Like every good marriage, however, it should not be entered into lightly and should only be for the right reasons and after an appropriate period of mature consideration.
For a start, it is worth having someone experienced to sit you down and work out what you really want to be known for and how you want to get your message across. Add to this some thorough research into your competitors and your market before discussing some preliminary designs. Typeface, image and colour all have an important part to play in what your brand says about you and as it is used across your printed stationery and online presence, it is important to be sure you get it right.
As for Andy Murray and Kim Sears, perhaps this will be their year. And if Kim does not change her name, there is a chance that Andy might. Sir Andrew and Lady Murray sounds like a whole new brand identity altogether.